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below ground
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Phonetic: "/bɪˈləʊ/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: In a lower place.

Definition: On a lower storey.

Definition: Further down.

Definition: On a lower deck.

Example: the landlubbers lying down below

Definition: (of a temperature) Below zero.

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Phonetic: "/bɪˈləʊ/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Lower in spatial position than.

Example: The treasure is buried two meters below the surface.

Definition: Within the writing of a given document which follows a particular appearance of the word "below".

Example: "By their execution hereof, the Parties incur a legal obligation to pass consideration under this Loan Contract as is set forth below."

Definition: Lower in value, price, rank or concentration than.

Example: The temperature is below zero.

Definition: Downstream of.

Definition: South of.

Definition: Unsuitable to the rank or dignity of; beneath.

Example: Such petty behavior is below me.

Definition: (stage directions) Downstage of.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground.

Example: Look, I found a ten dollar bill on the ground!

Definition: Terrain.

Definition: Soil, earth.

Example: The fox escaped from the hounds by going to ground.

Definition: The bottom of a body of water.

Definition: Basis, foundation, groundwork, legwork.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) Reason, (epistemic) justification, cause.

Example: He could not come on grounds of health, or on health grounds.

Definition: Background, context, framework, surroundings.

Definition: The area on which a battle is fought, particularly as referring to the area occupied by one side or the other. Often, according to the eventualities, "to give ground" or "to gain ground".

Definition: (by extension) Advantage given or gained in any contest; e.g. in football, chess, debate or academic discourse.

Definition: The plain surface upon which the figures of an artistic composition are set.

Example: crimson flowers on a white ground

Definition: In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief.

Definition: In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied.

Example: Brussels ground

Definition: In etching, a gummy substance spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which mouldings etc. are attached.

Example: Grounds are usually put up first and the plastering floated flush with them.

Definition: A soccer stadium.

Example: Manchester United's ground is known as Old Trafford.

Definition: An electrical conductor connected to the earth, or a large conductor whose electrical potential is taken as zero (such as a steel chassis).

Definition: The area of grass on which a match is played (a cricket field); the entire arena in which it is played; the part of the field behind a batsman's popping crease where he can not be run out (hence to make one's ground).

Definition: A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody.

Definition: The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song.

Definition: The pit of a theatre.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To connect (an electrical conductor or device) to a ground.

Definition: To punish, especially a child or teenager, by forcing him/her to stay at home and/or give up certain privileges.

Example: Eric, you are grounded until further notice for lying to us about where you were last night!

Definition: To forbid (an aircraft or pilot) to fly.

Example: Because of the bad weather, all flights were grounded.

Definition: To give a basic education in a particular subject; to instruct in elements or first principles.

Example: Jim was grounded in maths.

Definition: To hit a ground ball. Compare fly (verb(regular)) and line (verb).

Definition: To place something on the ground.

Definition: To run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed.

Example: The ship grounded on the bar.

Definition: To found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly.

Definition: To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching, or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament.

Definition: To improve or focus the mental or emotional state of.

Example: I ground myself with meditation.

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